A Taste Of Coco……….

Learning, Living, and Loving…. one Blog at a time.

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Mothers Day Weekend! South Beach ………..

Mother’s Day 2012 was one of the best Mothers day I’ve had so far!!! Saturday morning me and my chica’s chucked Baltimore the deuces and head to South Beach. Miami is always what the life doctor orders up. My weekend was very relaxing. Filled with good food, great convo , laughs and two of the people I love. Life is beautiful but Being a mother can sometimes be overwhelming!!! YES, its worth every moment…..but, I need ME time. There is no guide to being a mother only with experience, patience, faith, lots of love and PATROOOOONNNN will you master the art of motherhood. I missed seeing my babies face on Mothers Day but I really needed the me time to celebrate and be honored. I hope everyone had a fabulous Mothers Day.


P.S I arrived home on Tuesday evening, Tonio comes in from work and says “Ma, did you get the gift i put on your bed for you?” I raced upstairs to find a pair of Nike sneakers. “THAAAAANKKKKSSSS” I screamed out and ran to give him a big kiss. My new sneakers are too cute. So Tonio says ” I’m glad you like them, maybe now you can work out to get some of that belly down” ……………………….. yup like I said being a mother takes a lot of patience. Instead of doing a karate kick spin on my beloved child I decided to just pour myself a glass of wine. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO ME!!




Planet Sushi was Excellent!


















Relaxation 101
























God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next. Amen.

Love is Not Pain!

Love is patient; love is kind. Love is not jealous, it does not put on airs, it is not snobbish. Love is never rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not prone to anger; neither does it brood over injuries. Love does not rejoice in what is wrong but rejoices with the truth. There is no limit to love’s forbearance, to its trust, its hope, its power to endure. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Take time….. Happy Wednesday!!

TAKE TIME to think;
it is the source of power.
TAKE TIME to read;
it is the foundation of wisdom.

TAKE TIME to play;
it is the secret of staying young.

TAKE TIME to be quiet;
it is the moment to seek God.

TAKE TIME to be aware;
it is the opportunity to help others.

TAKE TIME to love and be loved;
it is God’s greatest gift.

TAKE TIME to laugh;
it is the music of the soul.

TAKE TIME to be friendly;
it is the road to happiness.

TAKE TIME to dream;
it is what the future is made of.

TAKE TIME to pray;
it is the greatest power on earth.

Author unknown

The Weekend……..


My Weekend was amazing and eventful. I suffered a great loss, RIP KENYA, however my family and friends were very supportive. I love them so very much. On Friday me and my girl Reeta were bored out of our minds. Us Virgo’s hate down time. we like to keep the party going. After staring at each other, going thru our phone contacts realizing how lame our Friday nights have become, we picked my son up from work and then hit the streets. Let’s see where did we go. Reeta was hungry,so after sitting in Popeye’s drive thru window for 15 minutes looking at the menu we decided to get more for our money and head down to IBAR on Maryland Ave. IBAR is always cool, good food and drinks at great prices. We doubled up on dollar beer, mozzarella sticks and buffalo wings. Reeta was in heaven because the Orioles were playing. She knows everything about sports, but all I wanted to know was who was the cute guy at bat?? Sitting at the bar beside us was a guy who appeared to be with two Chicken rats who were loud, obnoxious and almost invited themselves to an ass whipping. They were upset because the attention they were seeking couldn’t compete with my Reeta’s knowledge of the ballgame. When the guy started to chime in on our convo, chicken Rat numero Uno blurted out “whats so funny” me and Reeta looked at each other and laughed again. After a brief “choose your battle’s speach” the girls left and we cashed out. After IBAR, we ventured sown to Fells Point. the evening was nice and after we found a parking spot we strolled to the foot of Broadway, hooked up with some friends and ended up at the GET DOWN. My old bones were aching from so much walking, but I tried to hide it. Coco finally made it home 3 am….. crept in the house , tiptoed up the steps and under the covers.



CINCO DE MAYO!!!!!!!! Everyone knows that on this day my name is Chiquita because I am mixed with Indian/Mexican/Black. Dont debate me. Woke up early on this day, started my work day so that I could be ready to celebrate by Noon. Hooked up with my Senoritas and we headed down to canton Square, ate brunch, sipped Margaritas, and chatted about everything. Always a great time with me and my Chica’s. My African-American/Mexican side started to come out when the waiter brought us a pitcher full of Ice in our Sangria. After complaining and only receiving ONE free glass to compensate us, I told the waiter not to mind my attitude because I’m on my period and a little cranky. Thought maybe she would “feel my pain” and give me more drinks. Didnt work.

After leaving Brunch we went to Federal Hill to see what was going on down those parts. Federal hill was jumping. I knew good times were in my immediate future. Trying to cope with saying goodbye to my Friend Kenya, I can admit I’ve turn to fun and Patron to ease my hurt. Judge me, Tupac Cares!!! Met up with so many people, the Blue Moon and Patron kept coming. I love celebrating my Heritage!!!! All my Senorita’s were right by my side. THANK YOU GOD FOR MY FRIENDS!!!




























Virgo Love Horoscope May 3, 2012

Secret issues are going to come to the surface today, Virgo, and this will affect your matters of the heart.  Whether you are single or attached, you are going to directly confront someone today on something that has been forgotten, hidden, or ignored for a long period of time.  You may find an unresolved issue rears its head, and this may shed light on a problematic issue in a primary relationship.  If you handle this issue in a logical and calm manner, you will see much greater success than if you lose your temper.  This is not a time where you need to remind someone how feisty you are, rather exercise some patience and your romantic goals will be realized in due time.

Coco’s Spicy Tips>> Dont quote me!!

Once you become comfortable in a relationship, the romance can sometimes dwindle. When your relationship was new, you went on romantic dates and showed a lot of affection toward each other. No


1)Go on at least one date a week. Instead of sitting at home watching television, NBA finals or playing stupid Video games, think of fun places you can go together. Try to think of a new place to go each week. For example, if you went to a restaurant last week, have a picnic lunch on the beach this week. Since my husband reminds me so much a monkey, I’m thinking about having a zoo date. I will pack a lunch consisting of Banana’s nuts and berries.

2)Give your partner a compliment every day. No matter how long you have been together, it still feels nice to receive a compliment from a partner. For example, tell your partner that her outfit brings out her eyes, or that you think her dimples are cute. You know ,LIE!! I compliment my husband all the time, his receding hairline is very attractive, and I make sure he knows it. If I didn’t, another woman would be putting her Coochie juice right on those balding edges of his. Not gonna happen.

3)Show your partner physical affection!!! I love to kiss and hug, I’m very affectionate but my Husband is not. You would think that I could get a Pass to hug and kiss on someone else but O well. Greet him with a hug and a kiss every time you see him. Rub his head or massage his shoulders while you watch a movie together. Hold his hand when you are in public together. Most guys don’t get that this is very sensual and important. Always have a mint ready for those unexpected kisses. Bad breath may be the reason your mate doesn’t want to kiss you. just a hunch.

4)Surprise her. Do something she won’t expect, like sending her flowers at work, or cooking her a romantic dinner at home. Small romantic gestures will make her smile, and show her that you care about her. Or you could show up at her job and give her oral sex in the car on your lunch break. Always fun and great for satisfying your lunch cravings!

Im no expert……….. but I guarentee you will enjoy!

Happy Thursday!

The troubles we have in life, if we see them as part of God’s loving plan and accept them as being what he wants for us, will actually help us to grow in knowledge and love of him.
Even when things are at their worst, keep your peace of heart and accept whatever God sends you as being for your good.

Have a Wonderfully Blessed Thursday and Keep the Faith! *CocoJ

I lost my friend but Heaven Gained an Angel!

She isn’t going because she wants to.
She isn’t going because she is longing to get away… and get out of her mundane existence.
She loves it here. She loves being home.

She is going because He’s called her to.
She is going because she loves Him more than she loves her own comfort.
She is going because she chose to believe Him when He said to her… “You are called to be set apart.”
And she is going because although it pains her to leave home again… to leave all that she knows… loves… and wants so much to be apart of… She won’t risk what saying no means to her… to Him.

Rip Kenya ❤

Maryland Day

On this Past Saturday My son and I had the opportunity to visit the University of Maryland(College Park); This was our first stop on the College tour express. We arrived at the school around 9am. Even though I have lived in Maryland all of my life, this was my first time on Campus. The Campus was huge. The tour guides provided us with an itinerary and a damn map. (insert confused look here)

After a small introductory lecture, we were on our way to explore the University. After getting lost once, twice or maybe three times we finally found the Engineering buildings. Tonio wants to study Engineering. I think I was more excited than he was. We met with professors, and students.

After leaving the Engineering lecture that I’m not even going to lie, had me and Tony in a deep nod, we ventured off to meet the Basketball Team. Tony was familiar with the team and also saw one of his friends who currently plays on the team. Seeing one of his friends was really inspiring and hopefully it motivates him more to text the next step towards college. Tony only wanted to meet and greet with Nick, he was trying to act cool, and in his words “not like a fan” but not Momma. I let the whole team autograph my team picture. Even took a picture of my new boo. He was a cutie and my Cougar senses turned up a notch. One team member was #35 and I said to him, ” I will be 35 in September” I was so nervous, I didn’t know what else to say.

After leaving the gym, I looked at my Map and how far away we were from the where we started on the tour. We did so much walking my leg felt like it was dislocated from my body. I was hoping someone would have offered me a ride. Tony never even offered to carry me on his back, ingrate. There were plenty more activities on the itinerary, but my old bones were shouting “I CANT TAKE ANYMORE”

We visited dorm rooms and all Tony kept saying is ” I cant wait to go to college” . We made our way back to the car and headed home. I received so much information, Maryland would be a great College choice . its affordable and close to Momma!! One College tour down and five more to go. Next up is Villa Nova, we shall see.















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